The Six Forks plans do not include the impact on the Adjoining Neighborhoods. Changing Six Forks Road will not affect only Six Forks Road. Because the planned traffic patterns will change the way people navigate Six Forks, the adjoining neighborhoods will experience additional volume as drivers attempt to deal with new restrictions.
- U-turns and right-on-red turns will be restricted
- Left turn signal timing insufficient for U-turns
- Insufficient left turn lanes for U-turns
- Displaced traffic pattern
People will be unable to make left turns on or off of Six Forks, they will be forced to navigate through neighborhoods. This means additional traffic in the adjoining neighborhoods.
These streets are from the 1950s which means:
- Neighborhood streets are narrower than if they had been planned for present-day traffic
- Many residences have single-car driveways which means:
- Residents must back-in or out of the driveway
- Parking on the side of the road for multi-vehicle families
- Street parking practically restricts and creates one-lane streets
- Neighborhoods may need to add unwanted speed bumps to calm increased traffic cutting through the neighborhood
- The speed limit needs to be assessed
Other things that have not been considered: routes for emergency vehicles and school buses through the affected neighborhoods.
Even the early version of the report admitted that there had not been an assessment of the impact on the adjoining neighborhoods.