The actual accident rate along the affected stretch of road is only 30% (NC-DOT) of the expected rate along similar roads. This is due to the current light pattern which creates gaps large enough that left turns onto and off of Six Forks can be safely made.
The City’s claims of changes bringing about improved safety along Six Forks are based on comparisons with unknown figures and do not match the actual low accident rate in the targeted area. False claims based on false comparisons.
The city is narrowing the lanes!
That’s right – the lanes will be narrower. Moving from two wide lanes to three narrow lanes will increase the rate of sideswipe accidents. Driving South from Millbrook on Falls of Neuse road will give you a sense for what the new lane width will be like – it makes everyone uneasy.
Plans have been in the making for changes to improve safety along Six Forks north of the beltline since 2017. Developers in the Six Forks North Hills area were not required to include the safety improvements being required along the rest of the corridor – even though the accident rate is higher around North Hills. Double standards and double speak.